

1. McDonald's
Rasthof, Pfefferhöhe 1, 36304 Alsfeld Germany
Coordinate: 50.73380419999999, 9.2408711

2. Peters Brauhaus
Mühlengasse 1, 50667 Köln Germany
Coordinate: 50.93924149999999, 6.960583499999999

3. McDonald's
Westfalenstraße 3, 14822 Linthe Germany
Coordinate: 52.16041939999999, 12.7822049

4. Serways Raststätte Brohltal Ost
Brohltal Ost, A61, 56651 Niederzissen Germany
Coordinate: 50.4399995, 7.2260069

5. Tank & Rast Raststätte Wildeshausen Süd
BAB1, Hunteweg 11, 27801 Dötlingen Germany
Coordinate: 52.9136381, 8.426895099999999

6. Pizza Hut Restaurant & Lieferdienst Nürnberg
Breite G. 35, 90402 Nürnberg Germany
Coordinate: 49.4499572, 11.0755437

7. The ASH Troisdorf
Luxemburger Str. 1, 53842 Troisdorf Germany
Coordinate: 50.8192889, 7.114767899999999

8. Karls Erlebnis-Dorf - Zirkow
Binzer Str. 32, 18528 Zirkow Germany
Coordinate: 54.387629, 13.5509591

9. R-Café Arnsberg
Dicke Hecke 30, 59755 Arnsberg Germany
Coordinate: 51.4409457, 7.964633399999999

10. Serways Raststätte Göttingen Ost
BAB7, Raststätte Göttingen O, 37124 Rosdorf Germany
Coordinate: 51.4901484, 9.877448899999999

11. 60 seconds to napoli Hamburg
Großer Burstah 1-3, 20457 Hamburg Germany
Coordinate: 53.54869, 9.99123

12. Falkenthal Seafood – Restaurant Kurpromenade
Kurpromenade 6, 23743 Grömitz Germany
Coordinate: 54.1486086, 10.974687